Essential Oils For Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum
During a time when it seems like everything is “off limits” what is a pregnant mama to do? Essential Oils may be the only thing you can turn to for some relief from many common pregnancy ailments. They can also be very useful during the birth process to help cope with labor, ease early labor contractions, bring on contractions when you are postdates, and to ease discomforts. And that’s not all…your baby can also benefit for these same amazing essential oils.
Contact me to set up your FREE Wellness Consult to learn how these oils can benefit you!
I love giving FREE samples of these amazing oils. If there is something you want to try let me know and I will send you a sample.
You can also follow this link to my online store and order directly .
Contact me to set up your FREE Wellness Consult to learn how these oils can benefit you!
I love giving FREE samples of these amazing oils. If there is something you want to try let me know and I will send you a sample.
You can also follow this link to my online store and order directly .
Essential Oils for Pregnancy
(Dilution for pregnancy: 2 drops of EO per teaspoon of carrier oil)- Safe essential oils for pregnancy: Bergamot, Geranium, Ginger, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium, Sandalwood, citrus oils, Melaleuca, Ylang Ylang
o Bergamot – Relieves muscle spasms, muscle aches, emotional upset, cold sore
o Geranium – Soothes skin hemorrhoids, varicose veins, nausea, emotions, blemishes
o Ginger – Eases nausea, heartburn, muscle aches, improves appetite, supports the immune system
o Lavender – Eases anxiety and tension in the head and neck; induces sleep; soothes skin irritation and itching; breast tenderness, muscle aches; supports seasonal respiratory health
o Lemon – Boosts concentration; eases congestion, heartburn, nausea; safe for household cleaning
o Orange – Eases anxiety, anger, nausea, sleeplessness, fatigue, heartburn, constipation
o Ylang Ylang – Eases sadness and frustration, supports normal blood pressure, induces peaceful sleep
– Oils To Avoid: Arborvitae, Birch (Sweet), Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Fennel (sweet), Myrrh, Oregano, Wintergreen. Essential Oil Safety, 2nd ed, 2013
– How To Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy:
o Aromatically: Inhale or diffuse (I diffuse everyday. It will make your home smell delightful and is a great alternative to burning candles which are known hormone disrupters and carcinogens).
o Topically: Apply diluted essential oil to aches and pains, irritated skin, or the bottoms of the feet for systemic effects.
o Bergamot – Relieves muscle spasms, muscle aches, emotional upset, cold sore
o Geranium – Soothes skin hemorrhoids, varicose veins, nausea, emotions, blemishes
o Ginger – Eases nausea, heartburn, muscle aches, improves appetite, supports the immune system
o Lavender – Eases anxiety and tension in the head and neck; induces sleep; soothes skin irritation and itching; breast tenderness, muscle aches; supports seasonal respiratory health
o Lemon – Boosts concentration; eases congestion, heartburn, nausea; safe for household cleaning
o Orange – Eases anxiety, anger, nausea, sleeplessness, fatigue, heartburn, constipation
o Ylang Ylang – Eases sadness and frustration, supports normal blood pressure, induces peaceful sleep
– Oils To Avoid: Arborvitae, Birch (Sweet), Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Fennel (sweet), Myrrh, Oregano, Wintergreen. Essential Oil Safety, 2nd ed, 2013
– How To Use Essential Oils During Pregnancy:
o Aromatically: Inhale or diffuse (I diffuse everyday. It will make your home smell delightful and is a great alternative to burning candles which are known hormone disrupters and carcinogens).
o Topically: Apply diluted essential oil to aches and pains, irritated skin, or the bottoms of the feet for systemic effects.
Essential Oils For Labor
(Use oils on laboring moms skin cautiously as some woman can be sensitive to smells in labor)
– Geranium: Enhances circulation and is good for labor management techniques, which focus on breathing and pain relief.
– Basil: Used to relieve pain during labor and in turn gives you the strength needed to endure with greater ease. Have your birth partner rub diluted Basil on your lower back to help with back labor.
– Black Pepper: Similar to basil and can be used to relieve pain in labor. This is especially helpful for back labor. Massage diluted on to lower back.
– Lavender: Great for diffusing in labor room to bring on a sense of calm.
– Peppermint: Eases nausea. Can help re-energize. Diffuse or use diluted along the spine.
– Clary Sage: Uterine tonic that assists with effective contractions. It may help strengthen contractions once they have started. It doesn’t bring on contractions unless everything is already in alignment for labor. Once labor has started, you can apply a drop topically to your pinky toes at the nail bed, the inside ankle bones on both feet, and on the low abdomen every fifteen to twenty minutes or until the strength of the contractions has increased. Not recommended until contractions have started or after forty weeks. Also can be used for anxiety. Calms the nervous system, relieves tension, strengthens labor, and helps with expelling afterbirth. Blends well with Geranium and Lavender.
– Helichrysum: Perineum Support. Helps to stretch tissue while minimizing discomfort and swelling.
– Geranium: Enhances circulation and is good for labor management techniques, which focus on breathing and pain relief.
– Basil: Used to relieve pain during labor and in turn gives you the strength needed to endure with greater ease. Have your birth partner rub diluted Basil on your lower back to help with back labor.
– Black Pepper: Similar to basil and can be used to relieve pain in labor. This is especially helpful for back labor. Massage diluted on to lower back.
– Lavender: Great for diffusing in labor room to bring on a sense of calm.
– Peppermint: Eases nausea. Can help re-energize. Diffuse or use diluted along the spine.
– Clary Sage: Uterine tonic that assists with effective contractions. It may help strengthen contractions once they have started. It doesn’t bring on contractions unless everything is already in alignment for labor. Once labor has started, you can apply a drop topically to your pinky toes at the nail bed, the inside ankle bones on both feet, and on the low abdomen every fifteen to twenty minutes or until the strength of the contractions has increased. Not recommended until contractions have started or after forty weeks. Also can be used for anxiety. Calms the nervous system, relieves tension, strengthens labor, and helps with expelling afterbirth. Blends well with Geranium and Lavender.
– Helichrysum: Perineum Support. Helps to stretch tissue while minimizing discomfort and swelling.
Essential Oils For Postpartum
– After Pains: Massage diluted lavender or clary sage onto lower abdomen.
– Anxiety: Inhale orange or lavender, or use in a diffuser to benefit everyone in the family. Roman Chamomile and Frankincense are also helpful.
– Cesarean Section Incision Care: (Only to be used once incision has scabbed) Apply Lavender, Frankincense, and Helichrysum to promote healing. Add Melaleuca if infection is a concern. Our Placenta Salve contains Lavender Essential Oil. Between the stem cells in the placenta and the Lavender this salve can drastically increase healing time.
– Perineum Care: Prepare at least one of these remedies in advance; they are perfect for soothing soreness or sutures.
- Peri Mist: Add a few drops of Geranium, Lavender, and Helichrysum to a small misting bottle. Top with carrier oil. Mist onto the tender area frequently.
- Soothing Pads: Add 20-30 drops of Lavender, Roman Chamomile, or Geranium to a bottle of witch hazel. Shake mixture well and apply to large maxi pads. Place pads in the freezer until needed. Use during the healing process.
- Postpartum Sadness: Use a combination of Lavender, Frankincense, and Clary Sage in a diffuser, in a bath, or use with carrier oil for a massage. Apply to the bottoms of the feet several times a day.
– Anxiety: Inhale orange or lavender, or use in a diffuser to benefit everyone in the family. Roman Chamomile and Frankincense are also helpful.
– Cesarean Section Incision Care: (Only to be used once incision has scabbed) Apply Lavender, Frankincense, and Helichrysum to promote healing. Add Melaleuca if infection is a concern. Our Placenta Salve contains Lavender Essential Oil. Between the stem cells in the placenta and the Lavender this salve can drastically increase healing time.
– Perineum Care: Prepare at least one of these remedies in advance; they are perfect for soothing soreness or sutures.
- Peri Mist: Add a few drops of Geranium, Lavender, and Helichrysum to a small misting bottle. Top with carrier oil. Mist onto the tender area frequently.
- Soothing Pads: Add 20-30 drops of Lavender, Roman Chamomile, or Geranium to a bottle of witch hazel. Shake mixture well and apply to large maxi pads. Place pads in the freezer until needed. Use during the healing process.
- Postpartum Sadness: Use a combination of Lavender, Frankincense, and Clary Sage in a diffuser, in a bath, or use with carrier oil for a massage. Apply to the bottoms of the feet several times a day.
Essential Oils For Breastfeeding
- Cracked Nipples: Our Nipple Butter is an all natural, organic, GMO free salve that can be applied to sooth cracked nipples. Lavender can also be mixed in and can bring on a sense of calm for both mom and baby when breastfeeding is causing anxiety and stress.
- Fussiness: Diffuse Lavender and/or Orange to help calm mom and baby.
- Mastitis: Don’t stop nursing/pumping. Use Lavender on top of each infected breast throughout the day. Massage the following blend over the entire breast: 10 drops each Melaleuca, Lavender, Roman Chamomile in 2 tablespoons carrier oil. Massage from armpits toward the nipple. If symptoms do not get better within a day or two seek professional help.
- Milk Supply: Apply 1-2 drops on top of each breast for each of the following suggestions
Starting Production: Clary Sage (AVOID Peppermint in essential oil or tea form. In some women, it may reduce milk supply).
- Increasing Milk: Basil or Fennel (do not use fennel for more than 10 days at a time). Drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible, and eat a nourishing diet.Decreasing Milk Supply: Peppermint. Start slowly; for some the effect is mild and gentle, while others, milk supply drops dramatically.
* Don’t wait to seek support if you are having difficulty. Contact a lactation specialist, or find a local La Leche League meeting at . If you need any recommendations please reach out.
- Fussiness: Diffuse Lavender and/or Orange to help calm mom and baby.
- Mastitis: Don’t stop nursing/pumping. Use Lavender on top of each infected breast throughout the day. Massage the following blend over the entire breast: 10 drops each Melaleuca, Lavender, Roman Chamomile in 2 tablespoons carrier oil. Massage from armpits toward the nipple. If symptoms do not get better within a day or two seek professional help.
- Milk Supply: Apply 1-2 drops on top of each breast for each of the following suggestions
Starting Production: Clary Sage (AVOID Peppermint in essential oil or tea form. In some women, it may reduce milk supply).
- Increasing Milk: Basil or Fennel (do not use fennel for more than 10 days at a time). Drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible, and eat a nourishing diet.Decreasing Milk Supply: Peppermint. Start slowly; for some the effect is mild and gentle, while others, milk supply drops dramatically.
* Don’t wait to seek support if you are having difficulty. Contact a lactation specialist, or find a local La Leche League meeting at . If you need any recommendations please reach out.
Essential Oils For Baby
(Dilution for babies: 1 drop per 2 teaspoons of carrier oil)
– Basil: Earache, insect bite, respiratory health, nausea, immune support
– Lavender: Emotional upset, skin issues, sleeplessness, aches and pains, colic
– Lemon: Runny nose and congestion, anxiety, airborne and surface germs
– Melaleuca: Germs, wounds, immune support, yeast overgrowth
– Roman Chamomile: Emotional upset, irritability, skin irritation, teething
Colic: apply fennel to the belly button. Apply Lavender to the bottoms of feet.
Congestion/runny nose: apply lemon on chest, or to the bottoms of feet.
Constipation: use grapefruit or ginger. Apply to stomach.
Cord-stump care: apply Lavender or Myrrh.
Cradle cap: apply Lavender and organic olive oil to the scalp 1 hour before bath time, rinse well.
Diaper rash: apply sore bottom spray or soft and dry powder (recipes below)
Digestive support: apply a digestive blend, fennel, or ginger to the belly button.
Earache: apply Melaleuca, Basil, and Lavender
Liver Support: apply lemon to the bottoms of feet.
Immune System: apply Basil, Frankincense, or Melaleuca to the feet.
Insect bites: apply Basil or Lavender
Pinkeye (conjunctivitis): apply Lavender to the bottoms of feet.
Teething: apply Lavender and Roman Chamomile along jawline.
– Basil: Earache, insect bite, respiratory health, nausea, immune support
– Lavender: Emotional upset, skin issues, sleeplessness, aches and pains, colic
– Lemon: Runny nose and congestion, anxiety, airborne and surface germs
– Melaleuca: Germs, wounds, immune support, yeast overgrowth
– Roman Chamomile: Emotional upset, irritability, skin irritation, teething
Colic: apply fennel to the belly button. Apply Lavender to the bottoms of feet.
Congestion/runny nose: apply lemon on chest, or to the bottoms of feet.
Constipation: use grapefruit or ginger. Apply to stomach.
Cord-stump care: apply Lavender or Myrrh.
Cradle cap: apply Lavender and organic olive oil to the scalp 1 hour before bath time, rinse well.
Diaper rash: apply sore bottom spray or soft and dry powder (recipes below)
Digestive support: apply a digestive blend, fennel, or ginger to the belly button.
Earache: apply Melaleuca, Basil, and Lavender
Liver Support: apply lemon to the bottoms of feet.
Immune System: apply Basil, Frankincense, or Melaleuca to the feet.
Insect bites: apply Basil or Lavender
Pinkeye (conjunctivitis): apply Lavender to the bottoms of feet.
Teething: apply Lavender and Roman Chamomile along jawline.
Baby Care Recipes
Sore Bottom Spray (For areas of skin irritation or diaper rash)
– 4 Tbsp. carrier oil
– 1 drop each: Melaleuca, Lavender, Roman Chamomile
Instructions: Add ingredients to a small glass spray bottle. Mist onto affected areas as needed.
-2 oz. organic olive or coconut oil
-2 drops Lavender
Instructions: Combine oils in a dark glass bottle. Apply to clean, damp skin.
Soft and Dry Powder
-4 oz bentonite clay powder
-1 drop each: Melaleuca and Lavender
Instructions: Add all ingredients to shaker or spice jar. Shake well to distribute oils. Sprinkle as needed. *Works great as dry shampoo as well.
All Natural Hand Sanitizer
-1 Tbsp. purified water
-5 drops Melaleuca, Lemon, or Lavender
-1/4 tsp. witch hazel (optional)
Instructions: Place ingredients in small glass spray bottle. Shake before each use.
Germ Fighting Spray
-10-15 drops Lemon or Melaleuca
Instructions: Add oil to empty glass spray bottle and fill with water. Shake and spray on surfaces such as toys and countertops, bathtubs, etc. Allow to dry.
– 4 Tbsp. carrier oil
– 1 drop each: Melaleuca, Lavender, Roman Chamomile
Instructions: Add ingredients to a small glass spray bottle. Mist onto affected areas as needed.
-2 oz. organic olive or coconut oil
-2 drops Lavender
Instructions: Combine oils in a dark glass bottle. Apply to clean, damp skin.
Soft and Dry Powder
-4 oz bentonite clay powder
-1 drop each: Melaleuca and Lavender
Instructions: Add all ingredients to shaker or spice jar. Shake well to distribute oils. Sprinkle as needed. *Works great as dry shampoo as well.
All Natural Hand Sanitizer
-1 Tbsp. purified water
-5 drops Melaleuca, Lemon, or Lavender
-1/4 tsp. witch hazel (optional)
Instructions: Place ingredients in small glass spray bottle. Shake before each use.
Germ Fighting Spray
-10-15 drops Lemon or Melaleuca
Instructions: Add oil to empty glass spray bottle and fill with water. Shake and spray on surfaces such as toys and countertops, bathtubs, etc. Allow to dry.
Safety Precautions

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Keep oils out of reach of children. Do not use in the eyes or ear canal or on mucous membranes. If irritation occurs, apply a carrier oil. Do not add water. Citrus oils can increase sun sensitivity; allow at least 12 hours between application and exposing skin to the sun.
DO NOT INGEST: Arboritae, Cedarwood, Cypress, Eucalyptus, White Fir or Wintergreen. If you are pregnant, breasfeeding, or have liver or immune issues, talk to your functional medicine doctor about ingesting. Essential Oils that can be taken orally will have a Supplement Facts label on it.
DISCLAIMER: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent illness or disease. It is not a substitute for medical advice.
Want to learn how to get your hands on these amazing essential oils? Please call (480-233-4404) or email me with any questions. You can also follow this link to my online store and order directly
DO NOT INGEST: Arboritae, Cedarwood, Cypress, Eucalyptus, White Fir or Wintergreen. If you are pregnant, breasfeeding, or have liver or immune issues, talk to your functional medicine doctor about ingesting. Essential Oils that can be taken orally will have a Supplement Facts label on it.
DISCLAIMER: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent illness or disease. It is not a substitute for medical advice.
Want to learn how to get your hands on these amazing essential oils? Please call (480-233-4404) or email me with any questions. You can also follow this link to my online store and order directly